Our filter programme ranges from extraction from a single machine using a portable vacuum cleaner to traditional modular filter solutions and advanced filter solutions with round, welded filters and SuperBlower filters.
Our filter programme ranges from extraction from a single machine using a portable vacuum cleaner to traditional modular filter solutions and advanced filter solutions with round, welded filters and SuperBlower filters.
A filter consists basically of an inlet section, a filter section, a cleaning system and a discharge section.
JKF’s filters are particularly effective at filtering any form of dry material in any form of production facility within a large number of industries with the purpose of:
Separation of particles by filtering depends primarily on physical and mechanical effects. Common to all cleaning methods is that separation efficiency depends on particle size, where the degree of separation for the systems rises with rising particle size.
In health terms the smallest particles are by far the most dangerous, as they can reach the respiratory passages via inhalation.
Surface Treatment:
Quality: Certified according to DS/EN ISO 9001:2015 for product development, production, and order management.
Working Environment: Certified according to DS/EN ISO 45001:2018 for health and safety management.
Environment: Certified according to DS/EN ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management.
Filter Inlets: