Guide me to excellent products solutions filters fans duct systems

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pour vos besoins en matière de dépoussiérage.

With the three product groups above, we deliver a one-stop-shop concept, providing you with everything you need for your dust extraction solution

JKF SUPERJET FILTER Model: SIF – 4,0 – ECO PowerPulse Air Volume: 40,000 m/h Filter Area: 220 mBag Length: 4.0 m Weight: 3,790 KG EX- VQLW: 5586x920 STD ³² Filter Load: 102,27 m / m ³² /h JK-70MTD Model: JK-MTD Drive: DIRECT Material: CLEAN AIR Motor Size: 55 kW Weight: 491 KG Air Volume: 40,000 m/h Pressure: 4000 mmWg Rotation: 1500 RPM (at 50Hz) ³ JKF DUCT SYSTEM Model: Galvanized Ducts: Laser Welded Bends: Pressed Resistance: Reduced

Proven products

Performance garantie

Carefully engineered products

Avantages de choisir JKF
Conception d'un système sans effort

Éliminez le fardeau de la recherche, de l'approvisionnement et de l'assurance de la compatibilité entre les différents composants. Notre équipe s'occupe de tout.

Une réalisation plus rapide des projets

Grâce à la fabrication en interne et à la rationalisation des achats, nous réduisons les délais des projets, ce qui permet de rendre le système de dépoussiérage opérationnel rapidement.

Réduction des risques et

Dites adieu à la complexité de la coordination avec de multiples fournisseurs. Un point de contact unique garantit une communication fluide et élimine les retards ou complications potentiels.

Performance garantie

En contrôlant entièrement la conception, la sélection, l'installation et la mise en service, nous garantissons que le système répond aux besoins spécifiques et fournit des résultats optimaux en matière de dépoussiérage.

Long terme

Notre équipement de haute qualité et notre assistance permanente garantissent que l'investissement dans le contrôle des poussières est rentable pour les années à venir.

Filtres et séparateurs

JKF Filters

Our filter programme ranges from extraction from a single machine using a portable vacuum cleaner to traditional modular filter solutions and advanced filter solutions with round, welded filters and SuperBlower filters.

A filter consists basically of an inlet section, a filter section, a cleaning system and a discharge section.

JKF’s filters are particularly effective at filtering any form of dry material in any form of production facility within a large number of industries with the purpose of:

  • Remove undesirable contaminants such as particles, dust, smells, smoke or gases from process and/or working zones before they spread.
  • Create balance between the volume flow blown-in and extracted.

Separation of particles by filtering depends primarily on physical and mechanical effects. Common to all cleaning methods is that separation efficiency depends on particle size, where the degree of separation for the systems rises with rising particle size.

In health terms the smallest particles are by far the most dangerous, as they can reach the respiratory passages via inhalation.

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Systèmes de ventilation

Fans with Large Effect

Resistance occurs in all forms of air transport due to friction which means that overall pressure is reduced in the flow direction. To effect and maintain air transport, pressure has to be increased at some stage to compensate for pressure loss. This is usually achieved in fan systems using radial and axial fans designed to boost air in the direction of the outlet.

A fan’s effect is always based on the actual volume flow through the inlet. If the volume flow is indicated at a temperature different than that of the fan in a given operating situation, it must be corrected.

Motors and fans are usually supplied as a unit. JKF has designed its fans for optimal performance, and it is vital to select the right one for any given task. The speed at which the fan is to run can be seen from the graph for that fan. The power input depends on resistance in the system.

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Systèmes de conduits

General duct systems

Galvanised and Welded Duct Systems

JKF's wide range of ducts includes galvanised duct systems and welded duct systems in 2 and 3 mm material thickness, and thus represents the basic element in extraction and transport of particles and air.

JKF’s duct systems have a circular cross-section, with a wide range of ducts, bends, trouser-, branch-, end-, transition and taper pieces, throttle valves, diverters, jet- and rain caps etc. to ensure individual adaptation and a high degree of flexibility. Our catalogues cover JKF’s standard components for the following dimensions ø80 – ø1000 mm. Special customised components are available – contact our dealers for further information.

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Systèmes de gaines en acier inoxydable

Stainless steel ducts have many advantages

Today, stainless steel ducts are used more and more, not only for plants where it is required – e.g. in some food industries, but also in other plants where the customer requests the increased strength and durability. The stainless steel duct system has smoother surfaces and is more hard-wearing than the standard duct systems and the risk of peeling of galvanisation or coating has been eliminated.
 JKF's stainless steel duct system covers a wide range of ducts, bends, valves, transition pieces, jet caps etc.

The duct system can be used for all extraction purposes for transport of particles and air, and includes all the components needed for a complete extraction solution.

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Extraction à haute pression

Complete programme with large flexibility

JKF’s product programme for high pressure extraction is built up as a flexible system. It gives the possibility of individual building up and adjustment and contributes to ensure the right solution regardless industry.

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